Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Chinese Woman Finds Condom In Her Calamari

Daily News - A Chinese diner who thought her calamari was too chewy was disgusted to find out it was actually a condom.  Mai Liang was halfway through her seafood-dish at an Anhui province restaurant when she discovered the "rubbery" ring was actually a rubber.  "Imagine my horror when I turned it over with my fork and it turned out to be a contraceptive," she told Metro.  "It was disgusting. My first horrific thought was: Is it used?" she told Metro.  Sickened to her stomach, she complained to staff.

Boss Yi Ze Teng arrived and angrily accused her of planting the prophylactic in her food to get a free meal.

Teng then reportedly said that she would eat the condom if they left the matter. And she did.
Liang said she was now talking to lawyers and may sue the restaurant.

Gotta love it when your calamari seems just a little bit too chewy because its not calamari but a condom.  Obviously it is fucking gross when that happens but if you are the customer here there is no way you can sue the restaurant.  Complete bullshit.  When you tell the restaurant owner that you would drop it if they ate the condom, then you got to back it up.  I know she probably never imagined that the restaurant owner would actually eat the condom but in a shocking turn of events that is exactly what she did.  You just can't start talking to lawyers in an attempt to sue now, there is just no way.

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